Class of 2022 Senior Tribute
![Trysten Adams Trysten Adams](
![Hannah Adkins Hannah Adkins](
![Damon Allen Damon Allen](
![Mariah Anderson Mariah Anderson](
![Sebastian Bach Sebastian Bach](
![Sophia Beatty Sophia Beatty](
![Dylan Berkheimer Dylan Berkheimer](
![Silas Black Silas Black](
![Mario Chiaravalloti Mario Chiaravalloti](
![Riley Collins Riley Collins](
![Alexis Crooms Alexis Crooms](
![Mason Dalehite Mason Dalehite](
![Andrew DeSellem Andrew DeSellem](
![Robert "Robby" Ebert Robert "Robby" Ebert](
![Cameron Ewing Cameron Ewing](
![Emily Flannery Emily Flannery](
![Roseiline Fluharty Roseiline Fluharty](
![Bryce Foster Bryce Foster](
![Adriana Gilliam Adriana Gilliam](
![Grace Haught Grace Haught](
![James "JD" Hill James "JD" Hill](
![Stephanie Householder Stephanie Householder](
![Blake Ice Blake Ice](
![Jatanah Keller Jatanah Keller](
![Kayden Korbel Kayden Korbel](
![Samuel "Sam" Ludt Samuel "Sam" Ludt](
![Christopher Mason Christopher Mason](
![Emily May Emily May](
![Ronni Mayfield Ronni Mayfield](
![Elizabeth Mostella Elizabeth Mostella](
![Scott Pelley Scott Pelley](
![Rebecca "Becca" Possage Rebecca "Becca" Possage](
![Abigail "Abbey" Powell Abigail "Abbey" Powell](
![Jordan Powell Jordan Powell](
![Ryan Powers Ryan Powers](
![Caleb Prendergast Caleb Prendergast](
![Heidi Price Heidi Price](
![Jeremy Rannick Jeremy Rannick](
![Jordan Rannick Jordan Rannick](
![Logan Rhodes Logan Rhodes](
![Ella Rose Ella Rose](
![Christian Samberson Christian Samberson](
![Makya Shaw Makya Shaw](
![Marissa Stewart Marissa Stewart](
![Emily Walker Emily Walker](
![Robert "Bobby" Westover Robert "Bobby" Westover](
![Cameron White Cameron White](
![Chance Wooley Chance Wooley](
In Memory
![Lorin Hall Lorin Hall](
![Leah Lowther Leah Lowther](
![Emily Walker Emily Walker](
Emily Grace Walker
![Sebastian Bach Sebastian Bach](
Sebastian Blake Bach
![Class Officers Class Officers](
President: Ronni Mayfield
Vice-President: Emily Walker
Secretary: Marissa Stewart
Treasurer: Andrew DeSellem
Kiwanis Student of the Month
September - Ronni Mayfield
October - Emily Walker
November - Emily Flannery
December - Cameron White
January - Sebastian Bach
February - Rebecca Possage
March - Andrew DeSellem
April - Elizabeth Mostella
May - Ella Rose
![class colors class colors](
Purple, Green, and White
![Class Flower Class Flower](
![Class Song Class Song](
"Good Riddance" by Green Day
![Class Motto Class Motto](
"Instead of complaining about anything, learn to be thankful for everything"