Larry Adkins
Larry Adkins' Tribute
Larry Adkins
Harmony Black
Harmony Black's Tribute
Harmony Black
Karli Blissenbach
Karlie Blissenbach's tribute
Karli Blissenbach's tribute
Logan Board
Logan Board's tribute
Logan Board's tribute
Colton Bonam
Colton Bonam's tribute
Colton Bonam
Kara Boone
Kara Boone's tribute
Kara Boone
Erin Boyle
Erin Boyle's tribute
Erin Boyle
Garrett Buxton
Garrett Buxton's tribute
Garrett Buxton
Jacob Caughman
Jacob Caughman's
Jacob Caughman
Cami Chuey
Cami Chuey's tribute
Cami Chuey
Issac Collins
Issac Collins' tribute
Issac Collins
Matthew Conley
Matthew Conley's tribute
Matthew Conley
Raelynn Corbin's tribute
Raelynn Corbin
Raelynn Corbin
Hunter Craig
Hunter Craig's tribute
Hunter Craig
Stephen Craig
Stephen Craig's tribute
Stephen Craig
Karsyn Crissman
Karsyn Crissman's tribute
Karsyn Crissman
Latrell Crute
Latrell Crute's tribute
Latrell Crute
Gage Dickey
Gage Dickey's tribute
Gage Dickey's tribute
Sash Duffield
Sasha Duffield's tribute
Sasha Duffield
Shawn Flannery
Shawn Flannery's tribute
Shawn Flannery's tribute
Dalton Frischkorn
Dalton Frischkorn's tribute
Jared Garner
Jared Garner
Jared Garner's tribute
Jared Garner
Cameren Grodhaus
Cameren Grodhaus' tribute
Cameren Grodhaus
Jaiden Harris
Jaiden Harris' tribute
Jaiden Harris
Destiny Householder
Destiny Householder's tribute
Destiny Householder
Zachary Householder
Zachary Householder's tribute
Zachary Householder
Kaylee Howcroft
Kaylee Howcroft's tribute
Kaylee Howcroft
Madison Howdershelt
Madison Howdershelt's tribute
Madison Howdershelt
Lucas Huff
Lucas Huff's tribute
Lucas Huff
Presley Jackson
Presley Jackson's tribute
Presley Jackson
Angelique Johnson
Angelique Johnson's tribute
Angelique Johnson
Tiffany Joy
Tiffany Joy's tribute
Tiffany Joy
Clyde Kidder
Kyleigh Ketchum's
Kyleigh Ketchum
Clyde Kidder
Clyde Kidder's tribute
Clyde Kidder
Susie Kuhar
Susie Kuhar's tribute
Susie Kuhar
Sara Lawn
Sara Lawn's tribute
Sara Lawn
Devin Lopez
Devin Lopez's tribute
Devin Lopez
Kimberly Lynch
Kimberly Lynch's tribute
Kimberly Lynch
Zane Maltonic
Zane Maltonic's tribute
Zane Maltonic
Bethany McCartney
Bethany McCartney's tribute
Bethany McCartney
Gina McClurg
Gina McClurg's tribute
Gina McCurg
Mikayla McCulley
Mikayla McCulley's tribute
Mikayla McCulley
Christopher McVay
Christopher McVay's tribute
Christopher McVay
Kylee Mehaffey
Kylee Mehaffey's tribute
Kylee Mehaffey
Dustin Mellon
Dustin Mellon's tribute
Dustin Mellon
Zachary Merriman
Zachary Merriman's tribute
Zachary Merriman
Dylan Milhoan
Dylan Milhoan's tribute
Dylan Milhoan
Cambria Murphy
Cambria Murphy's tribute
Cambria Murphy
Tanner Patterson
Tanner Patterson's tribute
Tanner Patterson
Madison Paxson
Madison Paxson's tribute
Madison Paxson
Gavin Phillips
Gavin Phillips' tribute
Gavin Phillips
Riley Phillips
Riley Phillips' tribute
Riley Phillips
Dominic Pierson
Dominic Pierson's
Dominic Pierson
Jayden Powell
Jayden Powell's tribute
Jayden Powell
Jacob Prendergast
Jacob Prendergast's tribute
Jacob Prendergast
Thomas Redman
Thomas Redman's tribute
Thomas Redman
Steven Richards
Steven Richards' tribute
Steven Richards
Liam Rose
Liam Rose's tribute
Liam Rose
Logan Rose
Logan Rose's tribute
Logan Rose
Katie Short
Katie Short's tribute
Katie Short
Jayce Sloan
Jayce Sloan's tribute
Jayce Sloan
Mark Soukup
Mark Soukup's tribute
Mark Soukup
Jacob Spencer
Jacob Spencer's tribute
Jacob Spencer
Mason Tribelo
Mason Tribelo's tribute
Mason Tribelo
Cheyenne Utt
Cheyenne Utt's tribute
Cheyenne Utt
Nickolas Utt
Nickolas Utt's tribute
Nickolas Utt
Dominic Walker
Dominic Walker's tribute
Dominic Walker
Travis Wintermantel
Travis Wintermantel's tribute
Travis Wintermantel
Trisha Wintermantel
Trisha Wintermantel's tribute
Trisha Wintermantel
Ivy Winters
Ivy Winters' tribute
Ivy Winters
Myka Woodford
Myka Woodford's tribute
Myka Woodford
Kyle Young
Kyle Young's tribute
Kyle Young


Karlie Blissenbach, Valedictorian


Harmony Black, Salutatorian
Class Flower
Class Colors

White, Navy Blue and Light Blue 

Class Motto
"Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don't forget to enjoy the journey."  - Michael Josephson
Class Song
"Don't Blink" by Kenny Chesney
Class Officers

President: Jayce Sloan

Vice President: Cam Grodhaus

Secretary: Erin Boyle

Treasurer: Madi Paxson

Kiwanis SOM

September - Myka Woodford

October - Harmony Black

November - Jayce Sloan

December - Cameren Grodhaus

January - Ivy Winters

February - Erin Boyle

March - Gina McClurg

April - Karlie Blissenbach

May - Dalton Frischkorn