![Markus Adams Markus Adams](
![Alexander Aderhold Alexander Aderhold](
![Christian Adkins Christian Adkins](
![Micheal Ashbaugh Micheal Ashbaugh](
![Tyler Ayers Tyler Ayers](
![Madison Bach Madison Bach](
![Samantha Bailey Samantha Bailey](
![Destiny Benedict Destiny Benedict](
![Hannah Brothers Hannah Brothers](
![Andre Brown Andre Brown](
![Tiffany Brucker Tiffany Brucker](
![Brandon Burns Brandon Burns](
![Bethann Callahan Bethann Callahan](
![Jakob Campbell Jakob Campbell](
![Ashley Carroll Ashley Carroll](
![Haley Crews Haley Crews](
![Emileigh Crooms Emileigh Crooms](
![Triston Davis Triston Davis](
![Carlie Davison Carlie Davison](
![Jaret Dowling Jaret Dowling](
![Braxton Exline Braxton Exline](
![Chance Felton Chance Felton](
![Kylie Gardner Kylie Gardner](
![Rachel Gilmore Rachel Gilmore](
![Karlie Gray Karlie Gray](
![Daniel Griffin Daniel Griffin](
![Sean Growe Sean Growe](
![Jadan Hickman Jadan Hickman](
![Troy Holden Troy Holden](
![Ravyn Householder Ravyn Householder](
![Lillian Johnson Lillian Johnson](
![Austin Knight Austin Knight](
![Laura Ludt Laura Ludt](
![Tyler Lykens Tyler Lykens](
![Jada Madden Jada Madden](
![Ashley Martin Ashley Martin](
![Zachary Martin Zachary Martin](
![Ashley May Ashley May](
![Jesse McClurg Jesse McClurg](
![James McVay James McVay](
![Justin Mennig Justin Mennig](
![Matthew Mercer Matthew Mercer](
![Mikayla Mosch Mikayla Mosch](
![Mickenzie Mosti Mickenzie Mosti](
![Jordan Myers Jordan Myers](
![Michael Parrish Michael Parrish](
![Chase Perkins Chase Perkins](
![Hailee Polen Hailee Polen](
![Tyler Raybuck Tyler Raybuck](
![Megan Richards Megan Richards](
![Nathan Rigby Nathan Rigby](
![Brandy Schmidt Brandy Schmidt](
![Frederick Schmidt Frederick Schmidt](
![Drew Sevek Drew Sevek](
![Joseph Sevek Joseph Sevek](
![Dustin Shramko Dustin Shramko](
![Abby Smalley Abby Smalley](
![Alex Smith Alex Smith](
![Brittany Smith Brittany Smith](
![Sydney Tray Sydney Tray](
![Allison Tyson Allison Tyson](
![Natalie Utt Natalie Utt](
![Autumn Vincent Autumn Vincent](
![Hannah Brothers, Valedictorian Hannah Brothers, Valedictorian](
![Haley Crews, Valedictorian Haley Crews, Valedictorian](
![Kylie Gardner, Valedictorian Kylie Gardner, Valedictorian](
![Sean Growe, Valedictorian Sean Growe, Valedictorian](
![Troy Holden, Valedictorians Troy Holden, Valedictorians](
![Drew Sevek, Valedictorian Drew Sevek, Valedictorian](
![Abby Smalley, Valedictorian Abby Smalley, Valedictorian](
![Natalie Utt, Valedictorian Natalie Utt, Valedictorian](
![Jaret Dowling, Salutatorian Jaret Dowling, Salutatorian](
Class Flower: Dahlia
Class Colors: Purple Heart, Metallic Gold, Black
Class Motto: "Our lives are before us, our past behind us, but our memories are forever with us" - Unknown
Class Song: Gonna Know We Were Here by Jason Aldean
Class Officers
President: Mikayla Mosch
Vice President: Hailee Polen
Secretary: Troy Holden
Treasurer: Abby Smalley
Kiwanis Student of the Month
September: Haley Crews
October: Hannah Brothers
November: Abby Smalley
December: Troy Holden
January: Drew Sevek
February: Madison Bach
March: Sean Growe
May: Jesse McClurg