![Andrew Aderhold Andrew Aderhold](
![Lindsay Adkins Lindsay Adkins](
![Tiffany Baker Tiffany Baker](
![Autum Ballard Autum Ballard](
![Naomi Bertram Naomi Bertram](
![Lauren Beverly Lauren Beverly](
![Jonathan Black Jonathan Black](
![Nathan Blakeley Nathan Blakeley](
![Brittany Blankenship Brittany Blankenship](
![Nichole Blosser Nichole Blosser](
![Tayla Bott Tayla Bott](
![Joshua Brown Joshua Brown](
![Aysia Canterbury Aysia Canterbury](
![Jared Catlett Jared Catlett](
![Emily Chenault Emily Chenault](
![Christopher Coil Christopher Coil](
![Tyler Coil Tyler Coil](
![Laughlin Cole Laughlin Cole](
![Abigail Cosma Abigail Cosma](
![Sarah Croskey Sarah Croskey](
![James Davisson James Davisson](
![Rachelle Demastus Rachelle Demastus](
![Taylor Dickson Taylor Dickson](
![Samuel Earich Samuel Earich](
![Rebecca Farley Rebecca Farley](
![Darla Forbes Darla Forbes](
![Nicholas Gearin Nicholas Gearin](
![Kirsten Gosselin Kirsten Gosselin](
![Sarah Gruber Sarah Gruber](
![Jordan Hart Jordan Hart](
![Benjamin Hartline Benjamin Hartline](
![Taiylor Hatley Taiylor Hatley](
![Cierra Homic Cierra Homic](
![Cyra Hooper Cyra Hooper](
![Jenna Jackson Jenna Jackson](
![Ryan Jones Ryan Jones](
![Britney Ketchum Britney Ketchum](
![Mallory Keyes Mallory Keyes](
![Melena Keyes Melena Keyes](
![Randy Keys Randy Keys](
![Mason Lafferty Mason Lafferty](
![Gabriel Lattimer Gabriel Lattimer](
![Josephine Lee Josephine Lee](
![Alexis Marshall Alexis Marshall](
![Justin Mayfield Justin Mayfield](
![Jordan Medlin Jordan Medlin](
![Tyler Milhoan Tyler Milhoan](
![Dylan Morris Dylan Morris](
![Cory Parrish Cory Parrish](
![Timothy Parrish Timothy Parrish](
![Jacob Pelley Jacob Pelley](
![Sarah Phillis Sarah Phillis](
![Mackenzie Pisarsky Mackenzie Pisarsky](
![Natosha Riggs Natosha Riggs](
![Alan Roush Alan Roush](
![Andrew Russell Andrew Russell](
![Gary Schmidt Gary Schmidt](
![Aron Sevek Aron Sevek](
![Joshua Shaw Joshua Shaw](
![Patrick Shean Patrick Shean](
![Darlene Smith Darlene Smith](
![Adam Stewart Adam Stewart](
![Melissa Stoffel Melissa Stoffel](
![Tammie Tice Tammie Tice](
![Marcus Walter Marcus Walter](
![Brittany Webber Brittany Webber](
![James Webster James Webster](
![Kylie Wetzel Kylie Wetzel](
![Erick Woodburn Erick Woodburn](
![Andrea Woodward Andrea Woodward](
![Emily Chenault, Valedictorian Emily Chenault, Valedictorian](
![Natosha Riggs, Salutatorian Natosha Riggs, Salutatorian](
Class Flower: Tiger Lily
Class Color: Steel Blue, Dove White, and Metallic Silver
Class Motto: "Don't ever look down, be comfortable with who you are, our flaws are what make us perfect." -- MGK
Class Song: What Are You Waiting For by Nickelback
President: Britney Ketchum
Vice President: Jacob Pelley
Secretary: Kirsten Gosselin
Treasurer: Laughlin Cole
Kiwanis Student of the Month
September: Sarah Gruber
October: Aron Sevek
November: Benjamin "Mitch" Hartline
December: Jacob Pelley
January: Tayla Bott
February: Sarah Phillis
March: Natosha Riggs
April: Britney Ketchum
May: Brittany Webber