![George Allen George Allen](
![Alexis Archer Alexis Archer](
![Burwell Baddeley Burwell Baddeley](
![Dustin Beckwith Dustin Beckwith](
![Jessica Bentley Jessica Bentley](
![Joshua "Josh" Bentley Joshua "Josh" Bentley](
![Bryan Brinker Bryan Brinker](
![Casey Carmen Casey Carmen](
![Michael Caroline Michael Caroline](
![Timothy Coffman Timothy Coffman](
![Hillari Combs Hillari Combs](
![Danial Courtney Danial Courtney](
![Joseph Crooms Joseph Crooms](
![Alicia Cunningham Alicia Cunningham](
![Sarah Davis Sarah Davis](
![Jessica Dawson Jessica Dawson](
![Amanda Deitch Amanda Deitch](
![Meranda Diamond Meranda Diamond](
![Mathew Duck Mathew Duck](
![Jona French Jona French](
![Nolan Gasser Nolan Gasser](
![Dalton Glover Dalton Glover](
![Kayla Haddox Kayla Haddox](
![Tyler Haddox Tyler Haddox](
![Misty Hill Misty Hill](
![Santino Hipsley Santino Hipsley](
![Rachel Jackson Rachel Jackson](
![Rebecca Jackson Rebecca Jackson](
![Donna Jarvis Donna Jarvis](
![Kayla Javens Kayla Javens](
![Todd Jenkins Todd Jenkins](
![Enrico Jones Enrico Jones](
![Joshua "Josh" Jones Joshua "Josh" Jones](
![Adam Kelly Adam Kelly](
![Brooke Keys Brooke Keys](
![Shawnna Kinsey Shawnna Kinsey](
![Lucas Kuhar Lucas Kuhar](
![Kevin Lafferty Kevin Lafferty](
![Virginia Laudrille Virginia Laudrille](
![Jesse Macken Jesse Macken](
![Kaylyn Manley Kaylyn Manley](
![Amanda Mattern Amanda Mattern](
![Bradley "Brad" McCulley Bradley "Brad" McCulley](
![Desiree Miller Desiree Miller](
![Ashley Moore Ashley Moore](
![Jacob Morgan Jacob Morgan](
![Jacob "Jake" Nicholson Jacob "Jake" Nicholson](
![Stephen Ogletree Stephen Ogletree](
![Marla Pitts Marla Pitts](
![Michael Pitts Michael Pitts](
![Dylan Puckett Dylan Puckett](
![Keith Raffle Keith Raffle](
![Jerrica Russell Jerrica Russell](
![Danielle Shriver Danielle Shriver](
![Jacob Smith Melott Jacob Smith Melott](
![Mellissa Smyth Mellissa Smyth](
![Ryan Talbott Ryan Talbott](
![Timothy Tuttle Timothy Tuttle](
![Scott Utt Scott Utt](
![Jacqueline "Jackie" VanDyne Jacqueline "Jackie" VanDyne](
![Carly Warnock Carly Warnock](
![Brooke Welch Brooke Welch](
![Dakotah Young Dakotah Young](
![Hillari Combs, Valedictorian Hillari Combs, Valedictorian](
![Josh Jones, Valedictorian Josh Jones, Valedictorian](
![Lucas Kuhar, Valedictorian Lucas Kuhar, Valedictorian](
![Carly Warnock, Salutatorian Carly Warnock, Salutatorian](
Class Flower: Hibiscus
Class Colors: Black, Red, Silver
Class Motto: "Our lives are before us; Our past are behind us; Our memories are forever with us."
Class Song: Here's to the Night by Eve Six
President: Dylan Puckett
Vice President: Carly Warnock
Secretary: Kevin Lafferty
Treasurer: Matt Duck