![Crystal Adkins Crystal Adkins](
![Mandy Alford Mandy Alford](
![Michael Andric Michael Andric](
![Kelly Beadnell Kelly Beadnell](
![Richard Beaver Richard Beaver](
![Donald Benedict Donald Benedict](
![Jessica Bridge Jessica Bridge](
![Lacey Brothers Lacey Brothers](
![Danielle Brown Danielle Brown](
![Gary Burroughs Gary Burroughs](
![Eric Call Eric Call](
![Thomas Clark Thomas Clark](
![Shad Clever Shad Clever](
![Steven Coil Steven Coil](
![Clarissa Crable Clarissa Crable](
![Kimberly Croskey Kimberly Croskey](
![Frank DeSellem Frank DeSellem](
![Ira Duncan Ira Duncan](
![Sara Emmerling Sara Emmerling](
![Sarah Francis Sarah Francis](
![Jason Glover Jason Glover](
![Jess Greathouse Jess Greathouse](
![Jacob Harris Jacob Harris](
![Jaima Hazelton Jaima Hazelton](
![Richard Heddleston Richard Heddleston](
![J. T. Higgins J. T. Higgins](
![Theresa Hilditch Theresa Hilditch](
![Marie Humphreys Marie Humphreys](
![Alan James Alan James](
![Toni James Toni James](
![Stefan Jarrett Stefan Jarrett](
![Dara Joy Dara Joy](
![Victoria Ketchum Victoria Ketchum](
![Bethany Lacher Bethany Lacher](
![Cory Leek Cory Leek](
![Jason Leith Jason Leith](
![Amy LeMasters Amy LeMasters](
![Maria Lombardozzi Maria Lombardozzi](
![Matthew Malcomson Matthew Malcomson](
![Elizabeth McDowell Elizabeth McDowell](
![Melissa McGuire Melissa McGuire](
![Tracy McKee Tracy McKee](
![Susan McKinnon Susan McKinnon](
![Erica Medure Erica Medure](
![Robert Melott Robert Melott](
![Anna Milajecki Anna Milajecki](
![Thomas Milajecki Thomas Milajecki](
![Tori Needham Tori Needham](
![Zyna Owens Zyna Owens](
![Richard Kelley Richard Kelley](
![Brooke Pitts Brooke Pitts](
![Frederick Powell Frederick Powell](
![Kandi Poynter Kandi Poynter](
![Heather Pratt Heather Pratt](
![Trevor Reed Trevor Reed](
![Jason Riggs Jason Riggs](
![Keith Smith Keith Smith](
![Mandy Snyder Mandy Snyder](
![Kathryn Swafford Kathryn Swafford](
![Ronnie Szalkowski Ronnie Szalkowski](
![Jason Surmaceviz Jason Surmaceviz](
![Aaron Thomas Aaron Thomas](
![Ryan Wilson Ryan Wilson](
![Thomas Milajecki, Valedictorian Thomas Milajecki, Valedictorian](
![Anna Milajecki, Salutatorian Anna Milajecki, Salutatorian](
Class Flower: Daisy
Class Color: Black, Silver, and Turquoise
Class Motto: "We can not discover new oceans unless we have the courage to lose the shore."
Class Officers
President: Tom Milajecki
Vice President: J. T. Higgins
Secretary: Maria Lombardozzi
Treasurer: Brooke Pitts